Living Worthy of the Gospel

A Unified Church is a Beautiful Think to Waste
A Unified Church is a Beautiful Think to Waste

What is the Gospel? Hint: It is not a message about how you can get to Heaven. Our salvation is a result of the Gospel. The Gospel, itself, is the announcement of God’s Good News concerning His Son, Jesus Christ. When we believe that gospel we are delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Heaven. As Citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20), we have great privileges and corresponding responsibilities.

President John F. Kennedy famously challenged American citizens at his inauguration, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” Sometimes we forget that as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven we are given a calling corresponding to our privileges: “Only behave as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Phil 1:27 literal translation). What does this mean? I explore that theme in a message entitled The Privileges and Responsibilities of Gospel Citizenship:


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